Open for Applications: SmartHome Germany Award 2020

In 2020, the SmartHome Initiative Deutschland e.V. will once again present the coveted industry award. Today, January 6, the official application portal opens – on May 12, the award ceremony will take place in Berlin. For the first time this year, there will be five categories instead of four.
For the ninth time, the SmartHome Germany Awards will once again attract start-ups, smart companies and students to Berlin in May 2020. Those who take one of the first places not only benefit from comprehensive press and public relations work around the award, but also have the opportunity to make important contacts and arouse the interest of a valuable network.
New category: “the best (Berlin) SmartHome project”
In 2020, the organizer promises an exciting innovation: For the first time, not four but five categories will be offered. In addition to the best SmartHome product/system, the best realized project, the best SmartHome start-up and the smartest student achievement, the best Berlin SmartHome project will be awarded for the first time in 2020.
The background: Berlin has set itself the goal of becoming the smartest city in Europe. Among other things, the awarding of this special prize as part of the SmartHome Germany Awards is intended to set an important example.
Efficient innovations sought
The jury, consisting among others of professors of building services engineering and residential telematics, chief editors of renowned trade journals and managing directors of industry leaders, will focus their attention in particular on the following points when evaluating the submissions How innovative are the product, project or company? Are they suitable for the mass market? Are they suitable to serve as a role model? Do they improve energy efficiency, safety and comfort? And do they use standard interfaces to ensure interoperability between different trades?
SmartHome Deutschland
The SmartHome Initiative Germany is an interdisciplinary communication platform spanning all trades. It is intended to promote the exchange of experience between regional SmartHome organisations and providers from research, development, industry, trade and commerce.
Members of the initiative cover the entire spectrum of building automation: Electrics, electronics, IT, TC, CE, medical technology, industry, trade, crafts, architecture, research and teaching. The members and their organisations are geared towards demonstrating new possibilities for the efficient use of energy to users, tenants and owners of apartments and homes.
The technologies presented in each case represent the industry’s current range of services. Regular specialist conferences ensure that knowledge is updated. Research projects are supported by the contribution of practical know-how. SmartHome Germany also helps to develop innovative products and services. At trade and public exhibitions, the association provides advice to tradesmen, architects and consumers free of charge. A database of certified specialist companies for networked building services engineering helps those wishing to build to select implementation partners with proven expertise.
- Key data of the SmartHome Award 2020
- The applicant portal opens on 6 January 2020
- The applicant portal will close on 15 March 2020
- The nominations per category will be announced from 17 April 2020
- The award ceremony will take place in the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin on 12 May 2020
- This year again, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, has assumed the patronage of the award.
Further information about the SmartHome Initiative Deutschland e.V. and the award can be found on the initiative’s website.