Opportunities and risks in smart homes

The Federal Association for IT Security e.V. (TeleTrusT) and the SmartHome Initiative Deutschland e.V. invite you to a joint interdisciplinary event in Berlin.
Smart buildings – or the Smart Home – are very much in vogue. Sales in the Smart Home market are estimated at 3,583 million euros in 2019. A market volume of 7,000 million euros is to be achieved by 2023; with a growth rate of over 18%. The share of smart homes in Germany, which will also have energy management by then, is forecast to reach 7.6 million households in 2023. A proud growth rate of 26.5%. (Data from Statista.com)
A steadily increasing number of technology providers are active in these growth markets. However, IT, IoT security and data protection are essential for trustworthiness and sustained success.
The Federal Association for IT Security e.V. (TeleTrusT) and the SmartHome Initiative Deutschland e.V. will therefore jointly inform on 29 October 2019 in Berlin about the opportunities and risks of smart home systems, as well as state-of-the-art preventive measures. The event is interdisciplinary and is intended to promote the exchange of experience between manufacturers, authorities and testing institutions.
The range of information on offer is correspondingly comprehensive:
- Günther Ohland, SmartHome Initiative Germany: “Opportunities and Risks of Smart Home Systems“
- Gerald Muss, Stiftung Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention: “Crime prevention with the Smart Home” (German Forum for Crime Prevention)
- Bernd Grohmann, eQ3: “Smart home security from the end customer’s point of view“.
- Olaf Pursche, AV-TEST: “Pretty smart. But also safe? On the current dangerous situation with IoT devices and services“.
- Bernd Kowalski, Federal Office for Information Security: “Smart Meter Gateways“
- Prof. Dr. Christian Paetz, Z Wave Europe: “Security in Smart-Home radio systems“
- Günter Martin, TÜV Rheinland: “Smart-Home safety is teamwork“
The all-day event will take place on 29.10.2019 at the “Titanic Hotel” at Chausseestraße 30 in 10115 Berlin. If you are interested, you can register for the event with the organizer.