Last Week In IoT [V]
Last Week In IoT… a short review of some IoT news of the past week.
Cyberattacks: New threats to IIoT and Smart Buildings
Studies and surveys show that IT security on the Internet of Things is highly valued by most companies – but many of them still shy away from investing in this security as well. The ever-increasing number of cyberattacks is evidence of the need for action. The Kaspersky Report for the second half of 2018 attempts to draw increased attention to the greatest sources of danger for industrial computers – because so far only half of all known vulnerabilities in industrial and IioT/IoT systems have been patched on average. […]
In the fight against patent trolls: Microsoft “donates” 500 IoT patents
After Microsoft joined the Open Invention Network (OIN) at the end of last year and released a patent pool of more than 60,000 developments, the group is now adding to its list. The aim of the project is to protect partners from patent litigation, which is why Azure patents, i.e. for cloud applications, are now also being released. Anyone who becomes a member of the OIN can use the patents and, according to the idea, is thus protected against possible lawsuits. Together with prominent partners such as Microsoft, the network is fighting against patent trolls that repeatedly appear on the scene and take action against other entrepreneurs with high demands. Microsoft’s new initiative is now primarily intended to support start-ups that develop Internet of Things solutions. […]
Hannover Messe 2019 – of open industry and integrated energy
The “world’s leading trade fair for industry”, the Hannover Messe, is currently taking place for the 72nd time. From 01 to 05 April, more than 6500 exhibitors from 75 countries will present their ideas, innovations and products; the organizer expects ~220,000 visitors. Under the motto “Integrated Industry – Industrial Intelligence”, this year’s event will focus on drive technology, automation, energy technology, robotics, industrial software – as well as research and development. […]
5G is being celebrated – but a little hastily
In view of the current frequency auction, the upcoming mobile radio standard is being hotly debated. It is still far from clear what exactly the future of 5G will look like. And so, especially in the business and IoT sector, the previous standards are likely to set the tone for a while. […]
QSC receives order from Huawei to operate its industrial IoT network in Europe
The German telecommunications provider QSC AG today announced an order from Huawei Technologies for Cloud Computing Services in Europe. The Chinese telecommunications supplier Huawei Technologies has selected QSC subsidiary Q-loud GmbH to operate Huawei’s IoT device management platform OceanConnect in Europe. The contract was signed at the Hanover Fair. QSC is using OceanConnect as a narrow-band IoT (NB-IoT) platform to be operated at QSC AG’s German data centers. […]